China Construction Bank, Guangxi Province, China

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The Intercom system for ATM machine is a set of system that connect Service center of the bank and ATM machine help panel. The basic construction is simply and easy to understand and today we are going to talk about the system with our really world project as the example. IP intercom system in China Construction Bank.

Basic system looks like the photo above, you use the internet cable network to connect the help panel and service center, or control room, in the ATM side you need to install an intercom panel and a couple of network adapter. In the control room, you need a MIC to answer the call from the costumer, and a desktop with managing software to configure the system and monitor each point of the ATM machine.

You could have multiple level of control over this system. The photo above shows two level of control, the middle layer is Branch Bank control room, which is use to answer help call from one or several points of the ATM site. The Top layer is the Central Control room, monitoring all the lower level control center. In this project the top layer is China Construction Bank Guangxi Province control center, the middle layer is each city's control center.

How does it function

If we really dive into the detail, we could divide the system into 3 part, the Intercom panel, the MIC use in the Control room and System managing software.

Most common use intercom panel has one button, you push it and connect directly with the service center to communicate with them. Or two bottom, like the model we use in this project, one is for emergency calling, the other is for service consultancy. You can configure which button connect to where, usually the emergency call button is connected to the nearest security point for fastest reacting, while the service button is not too constrain by location as long as it can connect to a server, we will be fine.

After you push the button, the panel will start to call the service room or security room, and when you connect to them, the audio signal between you and the service room is transmitted through internet.

And at the service room side, they need a MIC the answer all these calls, here we use our IP Network & Intercom Paging Microphone.

This is multifunctional workstation built not only for answering call but also paging.

The last part of  this system is the Managing software. Which is use to configure all the panels and MICs' IP address and schedule Broadcast if needed.

Here you have it, IP intercom system for ATM. For more information about this system, check out the product list of China Construction bank intercom project or our website at:

Product list:




IP Network Audio Software



IP Network & Intercom Paging Microphone



IP Intercom Control Unit With Amplifier



IP Intercom Emergency Call Panel with Speaker



IP Intercom Emergency Call & Service Inquiry Panel with Speaker



4 Inch Two Way Wall Mount Speaker
